Reasons Why Guys Suck

Hello everyone!

I decided to do a whole post dedicated to the species that ruin our lives – guys.

Why woman decided that they needed one of these stink bags to make them happy I’ll never know. But because I’m a sheep, I followed through and bagged myself one of the lesser douches.

In my search however, I came across plenty of guys who still make me cringe to this day. What can I say, I had bad taste. And just because I’ve finally found a guy who makes me happy, doesn’t mean I don’t observe other guys.

So this is my post all about why guys suck! Hope you enjoy.

1. They can sleep with anyone

This is something that really bugs me, I don’t know about where you live but where I’m from, a guy can go out and sleep with as many girls as he wants and be seen as a ‘legend’ but if a girl sleeps with anyone she wants, well there goes her reputation.

I know a guy who slept with five girls in one night and he was like a king! In my opinion, that sucks right?

2. They Can Wee Anywhere

Now this may seem disgusting but how is it fair that guys can whip their little friend out and anywhere and just wee. It’s horrible yes and unsanitary but they still can.

If girls needed to wee outside (which we don’t do because we’re ladies) they need to pull down their pants and usually end up weeing all down their legs, not cute.

3. They Can Punch Things

If a guy gets drunk and for some reason is angry, they can punch whatever they want (with the exception of humans, obviously)

If I got drunk and went and punched a wall I would be seen as crazy! When a guy does it, it’s funny. I wanna be able to punch a wall and have people laugh, what I don’t want is to punch a wall and have someone take me home because I’ve had ‘too much to drink’

4. They Think That They Drive Better Than Us

Why is it that men think they drive better than women? Let me tell you now, I have a friend who’s been driving two years and has crashed into more poles then he’s stayed on the road, but of course, he drives better than me. Yeah right.

Women can drive just as well as men, and I’m not making an assumption, I’m stating facts!

They are just some of the reasons why I think men suck. As always, take what I say with a pinch of salt, it’s all in fun. If you would like to see a post on why women suck then let me know in the comments and if you would like to see another post on why men suck then like this post because I have a lot more reasons.

As always, click the follow button if you would like to read more from me and if you have a blog post idea you would like to see me do, send me an email, you can find that information in the contact section of my blog.

Until next time,

DaringlyDitzy, Xo