Dear Guys Who Lead You On

Hey everyone!

So as I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I do have a boyfriend so don’t think in any way this is directed at one guy in particular because it isn’t. It’s just a general observation.


Dear Guys Who Lead You On,

Hey what’s up? I bet you think you’re cool right?

Guess what? You really aren’t. You wanna know why?

Guys like you suck, who gives you the right to think you can chase after a girl for months and then run away once you get the reaction you were hoping for.

Guys, the only reason she fell for you was because you were hanging around like a bad case of herpes (is there ever a good case of herpes) she’s gonna grow attached.

Don’t go thinking you’re the big man because a girl fell in love with you, did you really even give her a choice? It’s like leaving a chocolate bar on the table and saying this is your last one ever. After a while, of course she’s gonna take it. So don’t feel privileged, honestly.

And don’t go bragging to your friends that she totally fell for it. She doesn’t look like a fool, the only one who does, is you. Who’s the person who chased her for months, actually spent time trying? You my friend, you did. If you hadn’t been that much of a loser chasing her, she never would of fell for your plan because there never would have been one.

So next time you decide to lead someone on, think of it like this, do you wanna be herpes?

Until next time,

DaringlyDitzy, Xo

I Don’t Want No Water Charges

Living in Ireland, unless you live under a rock, you’ve heard about the water charges. Personally, when it was first spoke about all those months ago I ignored it, because I honestly thought nothing would come of it.

I was wrong.

I do not want water charges, I mean does anyone? Really? Waking up the other morning I was greeted to the sight of some smelly man with a beer belly hanging out over his top installing the meter outside my house. My mom couldn’t even get in the gate, he was throwing her dirty looks because she was trying.

Dude, she lives here, let her in.

I’m the type of girl who leaves the water running when I brush my teeth, it’s wrong, but I still do it. Now I have my Nan knocking on the bathroom door every two minutes, leave me in peace woman!

Two minutes into the shower and I’m told to hurry up. Excuse me but I need to shave my legs while my conditioner sets, I’m gonna be a while.

I like to wash down the suds in the sink rather than wait for them to go down.

Not to mention I drink like thirty glasses of water a day ( bit of an over exaggeration but whatever) now I’m getting frowned at. Telling me to drink bottled water. Have you had bottled water? It tastes like crap.

The whole situation infuriates me honestly. They’ll be charging us for the amount of rain that lands in our garden next.

If you live in Ireland or any other place where water charges are enforced then let me know what you think in the comments.

As always, click that follow button if you would like to see more from me

Until next time,

DaringlyDitzy, Xo

Reasons Why Guys Suck

Hello everyone!

I decided to do a whole post dedicated to the species that ruin our lives – guys.

Why woman decided that they needed one of these stink bags to make them happy I’ll never know. But because I’m a sheep, I followed through and bagged myself one of the lesser douches.

In my search however, I came across plenty of guys who still make me cringe to this day. What can I say, I had bad taste. And just because I’ve finally found a guy who makes me happy, doesn’t mean I don’t observe other guys.

So this is my post all about why guys suck! Hope you enjoy.

1. They can sleep with anyone

This is something that really bugs me, I don’t know about where you live but where I’m from, a guy can go out and sleep with as many girls as he wants and be seen as a ‘legend’ but if a girl sleeps with anyone she wants, well there goes her reputation.

I know a guy who slept with five girls in one night and he was like a king! In my opinion, that sucks right?

2. They Can Wee Anywhere

Now this may seem disgusting but how is it fair that guys can whip their little friend out and anywhere and just wee. It’s horrible yes and unsanitary but they still can.

If girls needed to wee outside (which we don’t do because we’re ladies) they need to pull down their pants and usually end up weeing all down their legs, not cute.

3. They Can Punch Things

If a guy gets drunk and for some reason is angry, they can punch whatever they want (with the exception of humans, obviously)

If I got drunk and went and punched a wall I would be seen as crazy! When a guy does it, it’s funny. I wanna be able to punch a wall and have people laugh, what I don’t want is to punch a wall and have someone take me home because I’ve had ‘too much to drink’

4. They Think That They Drive Better Than Us

Why is it that men think they drive better than women? Let me tell you now, I have a friend who’s been driving two years and has crashed into more poles then he’s stayed on the road, but of course, he drives better than me. Yeah right.

Women can drive just as well as men, and I’m not making an assumption, I’m stating facts!

They are just some of the reasons why I think men suck. As always, take what I say with a pinch of salt, it’s all in fun. If you would like to see a post on why women suck then let me know in the comments and if you would like to see another post on why men suck then like this post because I have a lot more reasons.

As always, click the follow button if you would like to read more from me and if you have a blog post idea you would like to see me do, send me an email, you can find that information in the contact section of my blog.

Until next time,

DaringlyDitzy, Xo

STORY TIME: Panic Attack

Hey everyone,

So for this post I wanted to write about something that’s not so near and dear to my heart, what is it? Panic attacks.

Unfortunately I’m one of the many people who suffer from this utter pain in the backside thing.

What is even more unfortunate is the amount of people who don’t realize how scary panic attacks can be. I’m going to share a story with you guys about a recent encounter of mine.

Not many people know that I suffer from them because I’m not the kind of person to broadcast it around, but just because people don’t know doesn’t mean they suck any less.

My mom suffers from them too, but when she gets one she can speak, you know, she can let you know that she can’t breathe. I, however find it hard to speak and therefore can’t explain what’s happening.

So I was on a train like two weeks ago. I was heading down to my boyfriends for the weekend, I was in great form. We were going out that night, meet up with some friends. It was one of those moments where I didn’t hate everything. For no reason whatsoever, a panic attack hit me.

Now I’m not a fan of public transport, if you read my first post you would know I’m the glass half full kind of person, so I am always expecting the worst. So anyway, I’m just there on my phone, sitting on the train and suddenly I can’t breathe.

The train has only just pulled out of the station so I still have twenty minutes to go. I’m trying to calm myself down, I take a sip of water and try to breathe, no luck. This woman is sitting across from me (I’m on a seat that has a table between it) and she looks at me sighs.

I’m fidgeting trying to calm down so I guess she didn’t appreciate that. I would have went to the toilet but my legs were shaking and I knew I wouldn’t make it. So instead I ignore her. I continue to take deep breathes, closing my eyes and trying to ignore every sound coming from around me.

The woman, sighs and taps me on the hand, I open my eyes and obviously I don’t say anything (because I can’t speak) and she’s like, you’re interrupting my reading, can you stop breathing so loud.

I just look at her in shock and she picks her book back up and just continues. After a bit I finally start to get my breathing under control and a ticket inspector comes up. He looks at me and is all concerned.

“Are you okay? You look very pale”

And I explain that I just had a panic attack. He asks am I okay again, checks my ticket, the woman’s ticket and leaves. Once he’s gone, the woman looks at me again and says I’m a disgrace for lying about having a panic attack and that my parents would be disgusted.

I was in shock, total shock. I stuck my headphones in and just ignored her. My boyfriend text saying he’d be a few minutes late picking me up so once I got off the train I went to the bathroom in the station. The woman was in there and she threw me a dirty look. I smile very nicely and go for a wee, I come out and start to wash my hands, she’s still there for some unknown reason.

She turns to leave and I tap her on the shoulder. She looks at me like I’m a piece of crap but I ignore it, trying to sound respectful as possible.

“I would just like to say that I think you are the one who is a disgrace, I couldn’t breathe and you made it worse by being rude and then accusing me of lying about it”

I pick up my bag and walk to the door, turning around to face her again.

“She marries her boss at the end of the book by the way”

Seeing as she was so into the book I just thought I’d ruin it for her. And that’s my story of the time I had a panic attack on the train. I never told my boyfriend or family because it was personal and I didn’t want to make a big deal of it.

But, I thought I would share it with you guys. If anyone has a similar experience, share it below in the comments and make sure to click that follow button if you would like to read more from me.

Until next time,

DaringlyDitzy, Xo

Why Makeup Is Taking Over My Life

Hello everyone!

So today I wanna talk about something that has been playing on my mind for quite some time. To some, in fact most, it probably doesn’t seem like a huge issue. But for me it’s taking over my life.

What is this killer issue?


Every time I go out I buy makeup, it’s unhealthy, I’m well aware. And with my obsession taking over my life (and half my house) it’s leading my dear mother to the following question. Why do I buy so much makeup?

That my friend is a very good question. A question that I’m very happy to break down for you right now.

Makeup is bae, let’s start off by saying that. I don’t wear makeup because without it I look like chewbacca (okay maybe that’s a lie) I wear it because I spend so much money on it, duh.

And really it’s not my fault. If companies didn’t make such cute packaging I’m sure I wouldn’t have a problem (have you seen Gwen Stefani’s palette with Urban Decay)

Also, Instagram plays a huge part in my obsession, you see these girls with flawless skin saying they used a certain product, why wouldn’t you want to buy it? Of course when you do buy it you end up looking like a streaky mess and realize everything you’ve ever known has been a lie.

Lastly there is the fact that when I have money in my purse, what else am I supposed to spend it on? Who cares if my vanity is overflowing, lipsticks are in my brothers shoes and dirty makeup wipes on the kitchen counters.

It makes me happy and I love my obsession.

If you want to read more from me make sure you click that follow button and let me know what you think in the comments! Also let me know what your obsession is (I’m sure everyone has one)

Until next time,

DaringlyDitzy, Xo

Why I Decided To Take The Plunge

Hello Internet!

Well, realistically small corner of the internet but whatever. I’m sure you are probably wondering what is this I’m reading, stick around long enough and I’ll tell you.

I’m an eighteen year old girl, who is hormonal and moody. I am in no way ashamed to admit that. Sometimes though I need to sit back and actually think, why do I hate everything?

Could it be the fact every time I buy the hottest new product from Urban Decay another one comes out the day after?

Or is it that whenever I use the washing machine I shrink at least one piece of clothing? (Mother, please teach me how to use that horrid machine)

Let’s be honest, it’s probably that Galaxy Chocolate bars are getting more expensive daily, in my area anyway, and I’m not really OK with that.

Above all else, I hate everything, because I am moody. I’m the glass half empty kind of girl, if something bad is going to happen, it’ll happen to me. And that’s fine.

I’m sarcastic, and personally I think I’m pretty damn funny ( I’m joking, I don’t)

So instead of annoying my family and friends with things I wouldn’t dare say to them in the first place, I decided to start a blog so I can annoy you, dear reader. More so, I wanted to start this blog to let out my frustrations anonymously and hopefully in a humorous manner.

So if you would like to join me on this journey of freeing frustrations then please click that follow button and let me know in the comments any topic ideas that you would like to read from me.

Lastly, do not take offense to anything said in this post. I am a very sarcastic person who doesn’t really hate everything.

Until next time!

DaringlyDitzy, Xo